The definitive list when dollars are tight. Check these babies off, and you are in good stead to maximise your final sales price.
- Deep cleaning is your friend: grout, oven, range-hood and integrated appliances. Bring them up shiny and new. These items are always on an astute buyer’s raider.
- Plant some bright, happy flowers or use bright planter pots with unkillable greenery (think cacti and succulents) – you can take these with you when you leave.
- Change light globes to bright, warm LED. Or better yet, engage a government subsidised company to do this for you for free!
- Whip out the paintbrush, freshen up any feature walls to a neutral palette
- Pressure clean the windows and driveway.
- Tighten loose hinges, repair cabinetry, door handles and shelves.

- Scrub down woodwork and remove scuff marks from walls.
- Clean out gutters and remove any debris.
- Get a new welcome doormat.
10. Consider using staging furniture. The impact a professionally styled property can have on potential buyers should not be underestimated. An emotional connection with buyers can equate to much deeper pockets on auction day.
11. Obtain a professional building and pest inspection. Your agent can provide this to any interested parties. It is a valuable tool in transparency and reassures buyers of the quality of your home. Prospective purchasers will thank you for it.
12. Listen to your agent’s advice throughout the campaign. Be conservative with your expectations, and let your agent guide you. They have the experience, knowledge and your best interests at heart.
13. Use a professional, independent auctioneer. THE AUCTIONEER services all of Melbourne, speak to your agent to engage an auctioneer near you.